Eyes on Vintage

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Prohibition Party

The Prohibition Party is America's Oldest Third Party. It was founded in 1869 and as the name implies they have but one overriding issue: prohibition of alcohol.Their current platform is strictly religious right, calls the U.S. a Christian nation, and except for alcohol prohibition looks much like the Constitution Party's views, but historically (in the 1800s, at least) the party had an admixture of socialist, pacifist, and feminist crusaders mixed in with the usual fundamentalist Protestant crusaders. Their current platform also calls for the prohibition of abortion, gambling, and homosexual conduct, and stricter laws governing tobacco and "commercialized vice". They also encourage people to put their money into socially responsible investing, which is typically a left-wing cause but endorsed by the Prohibitionists because these funds do not invest in the liquor industry.
Source: wikipedia

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